Successfully implemented Growth Strategy 2020 with BigStep® at Gabriel Chemie
Mr. Erich Guttmann, CCO at Gabriel Chemie Group, one of Europe’s leading masterbatch producers today, in a conversation with Fritz Loidl (MCG) about the implementation of the Growth Strategy 2020. We presently look at an increase in sales of more than 18% compared to last years’ revenue. This has more than filled our expectations. Besides that, we could improve our Group EBIT by more than 3%!
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Profits significantly increased at Greiner Bio One using the BigStep® Method
We have implemented about 90% of our defined projects and measures and have even exceeded our target of profitability increase by 3 M. Euro on a full year base, therefore I am very satisfied, says Georg Heftberger, CFO Greiner Bio One.
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Gabriel Chemie – striving for growth with the BigStep® Method
Formulation and Implementation of a Growth Strategy is a major task for all companies. The MCG ensures the successful implementation at Gabriel Chemie, a leading European Masterbatch producer, with the proven BigStep® Method.
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Six Sigma increases productivity in the service sector from 70%-80%
KAESER Kompressoren Austria, a successful supplier of compressed air solutions, offers its customers a wide variety of services. In one of the service areas, service/maintenance/repairs of compressors by field service engineers, productivity had to be increased as there appeared to be major differences in performance levels.
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Lean Six Sigma deployed in an order fulfilling process – Increasing EBIT from 2% to 9.5% within 18 months
In January 2002, TAB-Austria GmbH, a consumer electronics enterprise located in Linz, which produces infotainment terminals, switched its production system from classic batch manufacture to a JIT manufacturing system.
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TOP – Truccazano Optimization Project
The MCG project conducted on the premises of Schiedel (location Trucazzano) was aimed at a dramatic reduction in setup times for our production facilities.
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BigStep® at KAESER Kompressoren
KAESER compressors Austria is located in Linz and since many years a successful company. Besides selling and servicing of compressors they expand their product line by plant engineering and construction.
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BigStep® at Greiner Bio One – An Initiative to increase profitability by 3%
STUTTGART. In November 2013 GBO Bio Science Division located in Frickenhausen, Germany, has carried out a BigStep® Workshop. The task was to increase Profitability (EBIT) by 3%. The condition was that the measures and projects found should be effective in 2014.
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€ 3 M Cost Reduction with BigStep® at Miba Sinter Austria
10 months after the BigStep® Workshop the current execution rate of the defined projects and measures is between 80% and 90% and has increased profitability by more than € 3 M.
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