The BigStep® Method helps to speed up company initiatives (strategies, concepts…) and makes them happen!
BigStep® is appropriate brought in, wherever a significant jolt should go through the company and where many people from different levels and with different skills need to find a joint solution.
BigStep® Benefits
- Makes your team buy in, into your initiative in one Workshop
- Increases efficiency and effectiveness of your initiatives
- Unleashes the know how of all people involved
- You will arrive at an execution quotient of measures/projects of ~ 90% within 12 months (vs German Industry standard ~ 35%, )
BigStep® is
- a team and role based, non-hierarchical method
- a bottom up approach (vs. top down)
- a large group intervention workshop for up to 40 people
- a motivational workshop
- an intelligent problem-solving-process
The BigStep® Method has 3 Phases
1. Screening
Raising awareness of the main issues related to the problem/initiative in your team (creates group consciousness)
2. BigStep® Workshop
Focusses, motivates, and aligns your Team on an initiative (concepts, strategies, …..) in one Workshop
3. BigStep® Engine
Makes things happen. Speeds up Execution (guaranteed Execution rate of ~ 90% of measures and projects within 9 months)
The Roles in the BigStep® Workshop:

Fields of Application
- Productivity Improvements and Cost Reduction
- Utilization of Synergies
- Implementation of Growth Strategies
- Acquisitions
- Organization and Processes
Change and Repositioning
- Reorganisation and Communication
- Post Merger Integration
Learn more: Presentation of the BigStep® Method
- € 3 M Cost Reduction with BigStep® at Miba Sinter Austria
- BigStep® at Greiner Bio One – An Initiative to increase profitability by 3%
- BigStep® at KAESER Kompressoren
- Gabriel Chemie – striving for growth with the BigStep® Method
- Profits significantly increased at Greiner Bio One using the BigStep® Method
- Successfully implemented Growth Strategy 2020 with BigStep® at Gabriel Chemie