To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.
The Competitiveness of companies is in many cases dependent on their ability of continually improving productivity. Companies who are able to serve their customers faster, qualitatively better and to lower costs are going to win the game.
In the 1980ies many Tools and Philosophies were developed to improve productivity and quality. All these initiatives like Quality Circles, TQMn (Total Quality Management), COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality), SPC (Statistical Process Control), Reengineering, Six Sigma, TOC (Theory of Constraints), QFD (Quality Function Deployment) or Lean Manufacturing are generally striving for:
Making work
- better,
- faster,
- cheaper and
- more meaningful.
By applying the Lean Six Sigma Philosophy and Toolbox in combination with a employee oriented approach, we are able to increase productivity by 25% to 100% together with your Team. We call this specific method ELOP (Emotional Lean Optimization Process).
We have 15 years of experience in this field and were contracted by more than 70 companies.

The main components of our approach are:
- Creating Employee Involvement (Emotion, Motivation, Collaboration, Change Management) and
- decisions based on facts and figures. (Analytics).
Balancing both issues leads to a sustainable process optimization in terms of quality, lead time and costs.
In our previous projects we could achieve the following results:
- Reduction of Setup Time by 78%
- Reduction of Lead Time by 50%
- Tripling Stock Turnover/Reduction of Shop Floor Space by 33%
- Productivity Increases in the Manufacturing Industry between 25% and 180%
- ELOP pays off – Return on Investment between 5:1 and 11:1 in the first year!
- € 3 M Cost Reduction with BigStep® at Miba Sinter Austria
- Lean Six Sigma deployed in an order fulfilling process – Increasing EBIT from 2% to 9.5% within 18 months
- Profits significantly increased at Greiner Bio One using the BigStep® Method
- Six Sigma increases productivity in the service sector from 70%-80%
- TOP – Truccazano Optimization Project