Kremsmünster. Dec. 2014, Fritz Loidl and Markus Gahleitner in a talk with Georg Heftberger, CFO Greiner Bio One
Mr. Heftberger you have carried out a BigStep® Workshop in November 2013 with the target to increase profitability by 3 Million Euros. How satisfied are you with the results today, in December 2014?
We have implemented about 90% of our defined projects and measures and have even exceeded our target on a full year base. Therefore I am very satisfied.
GBO Frickenhausen focused on the arranged projects and measures. In a structured process, we call the BigStep® Engine, all projects have been started and followed through the last 12 months. How satisfied are you with the implementation?
The entire BigStep® process has fulfilled our expectations completely. Everything, the involvement of our employees, a very consequent execution process and easy, but very helpful tools for our multi project management, worked well. Our employees were actively engaged through the process.
What are the characteristics of the BigStep® Method from your point of view?
BigStep® uses the Know How of the employees and therefore creates momentum, which allows a successful execution. For me it is an implementation machinery with execution guarantee and furthermore it perfectly supports the management to align the staff. I see the BigStep® Method not only as an efficient method to execute projects and measures, but also as a leadership tool.
Would you recommend the BigStep® Method to other companies?
Yes, for sure. We just used BigStep® a second time for implementing our purchasing strategy. The workshop has already taken place with very good results again. Recently, we started the implementation of our projects and measures. By the end of 2015 we will be able to reap the rewards of our work.
Mr. Heftberger, thank you for the interview and all the best.