12 Sep

Sales & Negotiation Training

According to a Harvard Survey a well-trained and motivated sales force can increase turnover by up to 25%!
Today’s market place is highly competitive buyers seem to want more and more and want to pay less and less! The Negotiation and…

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12 Sep

Difficult Negotiations Training

This Seminar gives you tips on how to master difficult negotiations. Negotiations always follow the same principles, no matter if you negotiate with your partner or with difficult customers. You always try to feel like a winner. It is almost…

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11 Sep

11 Commandments of Productivity Growth in Sales

Here are the results of a representative survey (by MCG Managementberatung GmbH in cooperation with the Department of Commerce, Distribution and Marketing at Johannes Kepler University Linz in 2005) conducted in Austrian industrial enterprises, and the outcome of countless meetings…

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17 Jul

QFD – Quality Function Deployment

Do the right things right. QFD helps you to translate the ‘voice of the customer’ into the quality features of products, processes or services. Not the possible but the required features are incorporated into the product Discover the critical paths…

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